Welcome to our community 

Gluten Free Kids Co™ founder and company Director, Emily was inspired by a personal journey and experience of being a coeliac mum, having one daughter being diagnosed with Coeliac Disease and the other being gluten intolerant.


12 years ago, Emily’s and her daughter felt very alone and very confused and it took them years to meet another child who had a gluten free diet, products were scarce on the market and most teachers and schools really found it hard to support her in diets and her feeling of being different.

Emily’s background is in early childhood education and care with a Bachelor of Early Childhood and over 25 years’ experience she knows first -hand not only with her own children but with other children in her care, that being gluten free can be very scary, socially isolating and many things you can’t do – including playing with the average playdough, eating birthday cakes with friends and joining in a typical cooking classes at school.

Together with our family of artists, being very creative and experimental living gluten free, loving new things like our home- made gluten free playdough and gluten free recipes we thought it was time to share this with other children and families……. And so …... Gluten Free Kids Co was born.

We know by personal experience that Gluten Free products usually cost more than the alternative comparison products so we are always finding ways to reduce pricing. We also committed in being environmentally friendly wherever possible and are always looking for ways on reducing our impact.

Gluten Free Kids Co™ is a family love and passion. Emily is responsible for the production, design, customer service and marketing, our gorgeous daughters and family members are our testers and critics, reviewers and creative idea contributors, and Hubby is the biggest cheerleader and supporter, helping create the wooden craft tools, photography and helping with some odd jobs here and there

Gluten Free Kids Co™ has a vision is to create a range of safe play and educational resources and services, to all ages of children and to grow our range over time. We wish to offer tips, reviews and provide a loving and connecting community for all children and their families who just happen to be Gluten Free.  

The resources are designed not only for a child who has coeliac disease, gluten intolerance or wheat allergy but they are also designed for all of their family, friends, besties, peers, and their class teachers.

At Gluten Free Kids Co™ we want children and their families to feel less burdened or worried and more optimistic, set up and gifted with some small things that can go a long way. We want the children to know that being gluten free is a superpower to provide opportunities for children to play, dream and create whilst feeling great.