Keeping Squishough® Scented Play Dough Safe for gluten free and wheat free children

Keeping Squishough® Scented Play dough Safe for gluten free and wheat free children

Dear Teachers and Educators,

We would like to introduce Squishough® Scented Dough to you which has been selected for a child in your care who is gluten or wheat free for medical reasons.

Squishough® is play dough that anyone could play with but as it is extra special gluten free playdough. There is some very important things that you will need to do to make sure that it remains gluten free.

The child’s parents may ask you to only use Squishough® Dough for their child which is the best way to minimise any cross contamination, but the hints are for any person who may play with Squishough such as a gluten free child’s friend or teacher.


It is okay to be fussy about the play dough and keeping it safe and essentially the gluten free child safe too. As teachers we know children are capable of understanding so informing them of ways to keep their peers safe from allergens and food is a way they can contribute to their world, develop lifelong skills to support, and be empathetic to others. Being inclusive also includes thinking of children with food restrictions and medical conditions and thinking of ways to support and include them within our classroom. Squishough®


Create a large container with lid to place the Squishough® range into and mark it with the child’s name – this is so that the rest of the team and children are aware and that is used under supervision.

It is recommended that each pot is labelled with the child’s name.


  • If you have been managing any food or wheat playdough prior to getting out Squishough® you will need to wash your hands to take off any crumbs. Hand sanitising is not effective- germs are killed but not gluten or wheat.
  • Clean the surface down on the tables you will be using Squishough® to ensure that it is clean and free from any other items and residue.
  • Do not place Squishough® on the table with other wheat playdough experiences. This will contaminate the dough and also risk the gluten free child from becoming unwell from the wheat play dough. Even crumb counts.
  • Ask the child and any peers that will be using Squishough® to wash their hands and dry thoroughly with soap for the 30 second period recommended for all hand washing procedures. Watch for any children jumping from wheat dough to Squishough® during the sessions.
  • Use play dough tools that are only for the Squishough® set and keep them together in that tub that you created. If they need a wash, then we suggest that you so it at a different time than washing other tools that come into contact with wheat play dough.
  • If Squishough® comes into contact with any wheat or gluten (wheat rye barley and oats), put it away and inform the family so they can decide what to do with it.
  • When the children and teachers have finished using the Squishough® and play dough tools, pack them all away in the pots with the lids which snap shut and put them back into the containers.
  • Have fun and repeat.


This is not an ideal situation as children who have wheat allergy or coeliac disease may have an immediate reaction to wheat/gluten so treat it seriously. If they have a medical plan, follow the directions, and of course inform the family as soon as possible. Some suggestions for coeliac, gluten intolerant, wheat intolerant or any other medical condition induced by digested wheat/gluten, make sure that you get the child to wash their hands thoroughly with soap with a special focus of under the nails. We know that every crumb matters, and this also includes non- food items containing wheat/gluten.


You can add the inclusive practices to your school risk minimisation plan on methods of how you support the student and reduce any contamination and include the supportive inclusive behaviours in your school improvement plan.

National Quality Standards

  • NQS 2.1.2 Effective illness and injury management and hygiene practices are promoted and implemented.
  • NQS 2.2.1 At all times, reasonable precautions and adequate supervision ensure children are protected from harm and hazard
  • NQS 5.1.2 The dignity and rights of every child are maintained.
  • NQS 5.2.1 Children are supported to collaborate, learn from and help each other.
  • NQS 6.1.2 The expertise, culture, values and beliefs of families are respected, and families share in decision-making about their child’s learning and wellbeing
  • NQS 6.2.2 Effective partnerships support children's access, inclusion and participation in the program

National Quality Regulations

  • Regulations 90,91,162,168 and 170 -Relates to dealing and supporting with medical conditions in a child in your care.

Early Years Learning Framework

  • Outcome 1.1 Children feel safe, secure, and supported
  • Outcome 1.4 Children learn to interact in relation to others with care, empathy and respect
  • Outcome 2.2 Children respond to diversity with respect
  • Outcome 3.2 Children take increasing responsibility for their own health and physical wellbeing

If Squishough® dries out or the salt crystals come to the surface then knead the dough in your hands, the natural oils and the warmth of your hand should help renew it. Additionally, you can add a few drops of water to the dough and knead it through.

For any questions relating to Squishough® please contact us at